好莱坞电影中往往有白东说念主演员饰演非白东说念主扮装,被坊间品评为“洗白”,这种作念法在早期电影及电视制作中至极常见。近日,张艺谋导演的首部英文电影《长城》行将上映,但该片主演好意思国演员马特•达蒙却身陷“洗白”风云,有东说念主质疑达蒙“洗白”扮装成人 男同,抢走了亚洲演员的出演契机。但老谋子与达蒙均暗示,这一扮装一直被设定为欧洲东说念主,电影并莫得“洗白”。
Matt Damon criticised "outrageous" stories in the era of fake news as he responded on Tuesday to accusations his role in the new China-Hollywood co-production The Great Wall should have gone to an Asian actor. 近日,马特•达蒙在中国与好莱坞筹办制作的电影《长城》中饰演的扮装被指本应由亚洲演员出演。达蒙6日作出修起,他责怪了失实新闻时间的“离谱故事”。
Some critics have said Damon's casting as the lead character amounted to "whitewashing," in which Caucasians are chosen for roles that should have gone to actors from other ethnicities. 一些品评者称,让达蒙担任主角是在“洗白”,兴味便是聘用白种东说念主上演本应属于其他种族演员的扮装。
The American actor said he thought of whitewashing as applying to Caucasian actors who wore makeup to appear to be of another race, as was common in the early days of film and television, when racism was overt. 达蒙暗示,他调处的“洗白”是指白种东说念主通过化妆假扮成其他族裔。这种作念法常见于早年的电影电视中,因为那时种族见地至极开阔。
"That whole idea of whitewashing, I take that very seriously," Damon said in an interview, using the example of the Irish-American actor Chuck Connors, who played the lead character in the 1962 film Geronimo, about the famed Apache chief. 达蒙在领受采访时说,“我对洗白这个说法捏严慎派头。”他以爱尔兰裔好意思国演员查克•康纳斯为例作念了解释。康纳斯在1962年的电影《杰罗尼》中担任主角,饰演著名的阿帕切族酋长杰罗尼。
Damon, 46, plays a British mercenary in the upcoming $150 million adventure fantasy about a Chinese army battling monsters, helmed by acclaimed director Zhang Yimou. 行将上映的电影《长城》是一部对于中国队列抵拒凶兽的魔幻冒险片,该片由著名导演张艺谋执导,斥资1.5亿好意思元。46岁的达蒙在片中饰演又名英国雇佣兵。
The movie's trailer sparked criticism in the US that a white man had been chosen to play the lead, who saves the day, in a film set in China meant to showcase Chinese culture. 电影预报片在好意思国遭到了报复,有东说念主品评这部电影以中国为布景,旨在展示中国文化,却聘用白东说念主担任力挽狂澜的主角。
av迅雷The furor came amid other accusations of a lack of diversity and opportunities for Asian actors in Hollywood. 好莱坞也被指不够多元化、不给亚洲演员契机。
Damon and Zhang said that because of the demands of the story, Damon's role was always intended to be European. 达蒙和张艺谋称,这个扮装设定一直便是欧洲东说念主,这是出于情节需要。
Damon said the controversy would subside "once people see that it's a monster movie and it's a historical fantasy and I didn't take a role away from a Chinese actor ... it wasn't altered because of me in any way." 达蒙说,“一朝东说念主们发现这是一部对于魔兽的捏造历史故事,而我莫得抢走中国演员的扮装,这个扮装也莫得因我发生任何窜改后”,这场争论就会平息。
The film is the first Sino-Hollywood co-production and first English-language film for Zhang, the director of the romantic Kung Fu drama House of Flying Daggers and the opulent opening and closing ceremonies of the 2008 Beijing Olympics. 《长城》是中国和好莱坞筹办制作的首部电影,亦然张艺谋的第一部英文电影。张艺谋曾执导功夫爱情片《四面楚歌》和形态强盛的2008年北京奥运会开幕式及终结式。
It also stars Pedro Pascal of "Game of Thrones" as Damon's sword-wielding partner in crime, Willem Dafoe and Andy Lau. Jing Tian plays the woman lead warrior. Also appearing are Eddie Peng of the boxing drama Unbeatable and Lu Han, a former boy band sensation. 参演《权益的游戏》的佩德罗•帕斯卡在《长城》中饰演达蒙的战友,其他主演还包括威廉•达福和刘德华。景甜在电影中上演一位女将领。拳击电影《激战》中的彭于晏和前流行男团成员鹿晗也在电影中亮相。
Most Chinese co-productions with the West have been box-office flops, but producers hope The Great Wall can show that big-budget Sino-Hollywood co-productions can work. 大多量中西筹办制作的电影票房齐不尽东说念主意,然则《长城》的制片东说念主但愿这部影片不错评释,中国和好莱坞合营的大制作电影大略获得得手。
Hollywood is eager to work with Chinese actors and producers to appeal to the Chinese cinema-going market, expected to outgrow the current No 1 market, North America, within the next two or three years. The Chinese government has long sought to project cultural influence abroad and hopes that The Great Wall will be an international blockbuster. 中国不雅影市集有望在两三年内逾越北好意思成为第一大不雅影市集。好莱坞急于与中国演员和制片东说念主合营来诱骗中国市集。中国政府弥远以来齐在寻求在国外塑造文化影响力,并但愿《长城》成为人人卖座的电影。
The film debuts in Chinese cinemas on December 16 followed by other countries, including the United States in February. 《长城》将于12月16日在国内影院首映,之后将在其他国度上映,其中好意思国的上映时分为来岁2月。
mercenary: 雇佣兵
英文起原:南华早报翻译:董静编审:yaning成人 男同